So I asked my little brother what he wanted to have for dessert since it was his birthday weekend and he decided it was crumb cake. Now I have made many crumb cakes before but my crumbs always seem to be lame, not big enough. When I eat crumb cake, I want it to be similar to it's name, crumb + cake. In my interpretation, that means the cake should be proportioned half crumbs and half cake, not lots of cake and some crumb topping. So after some research about how to make good crumbs, I found this recipe from an old newspaper cutout my great aunt had saved. And these are some serious crumbs!
And by the end of the party there was no a crumb in sight...
Cake (This is my way I usually do cake. I sub in other ingredients to make the most of the box. I have yet to find a from scratch recipe that I like better.)
1 white cake mix
appropriate amount of oil and eggs per box
buttermilk to substitute for amount of water
1 tsp vanilla
3 sticks of butter
4 cups of flour
3/4 cup sugar
3/4 brown sugar
4-5 tbsp cinnamon
2 tsp vanilla
1. Mix the ingredients for the cake mix together and beat on medium for 1-2 minutes. Pour into a greased 13x9 baking pan. ) I did this recipe in a 16x11 pan and double the batter.
2. Let bake on 350 until at least half done. The cake must bake until it is firm enough to hold up the weight of these ginormous crumbs.
3. While the cake is baking, let's get the crumbs ready. First melt the butter in one bowl and mix together all the dry ingredients in another.
4. Add vanilla to melted butter and slowly drizzle into dry mix while continually stirring.
5. Sprinkle crumbs over the top of the cake and then pop back in the oven to finish baking.
6. Bake until toothpick comes out clean.